Better Together


I want to share something exciting with you guys. I’ve been pushing this off for a while but I really want to share this mission with you guys. I want you to know that you’re all part of something bigger. Some of this is a little heavy but I think that most good causes out there are formed from a need that can sometimes feel a little heavy.
This year my heart has been telling me it’s time to start giving back, more. I didn’t know at the time that little tug would lead me to finding Better Together.
Better Together is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to helping people help themselves. They empower parents to provide a loving, safe and supportive foundation for their children. Keeping families out of ’The System’ providing a safe home for the children while giving parents they real support they need. Their unique model enables parents who have fallen on hard times to voluntarily place their children with a loving host family for up to a year. The average stay is only 45 days, and 90% of families are reunited in 90 days or less. As unpaid volunteers, host families focus on caring for the children, while a network of Better Together volunteers and partners help the parents get back on their feet. By design, 100% of the families are reunified, and we’re pleased to report that 98% of them stay together and out of the foster care system.
As someone who spent quite a bit of time in the system, their mission hits home for me. I was very lucky to always be placed with family and friends when we were removed. I thank God for the people he put into my life when he knew I needed them most. But I can’t help but wonder how different my life would have been if my Mom had an organization like Better Together to help keep her family together, to help her, guide her and stand by her through the struggles of homelessness, drug addiction, abusive relationships and her own unhealed trauma.
Would I be trying to finally face and navigate my Big T Trauma at the age 32? Would I be taking on the overwhelming task of healing my wounded inner child? Would I suddenly be fighting back tears in public places because something triggered a flashback feeling and it smacked me right in the face, flooding me with feelings I have pushed back my whole life, emotions and pain I am finally giving my self permission to feel and process?
Maybe (probably) not.
And at the same time, would I be where I am today? If I had not had those extremely hard experiences as a child, would I possess this extreme drive and push to lead a better life?
Maybe (probably) not.
But I know without a doubt that families are better together.
A portion of all your purchases is going to Better Together. I've been so excited for this opportunity to give back!
If you are someone on your own healing journey please know that your are not alone and you have the strength to make it to the other side. My inbox is always open if you ever need to chat.
Freely you have received; freely give ❤️



  Christlike Hospitality
 Lifesaving Grace
 Empowering Parents



 Prevent abuse and neglect by providing a non-threatening safety net for families with children.
 Lifting people up and wrapping a caring, compassionate community around them to make a life changing difference.
 Empowering parents to help themselves, addressing the root causes that led to their crisis, and keeping families together.